BKS Webinar: Kazakhstan Infrastructure - Current Issues and Developments
The British-Kazakh Society hosted a webinar on the infrastructural development of Kazakhstan. The event was chaired by David Skeels (BKS, Director).
At this webinar, we had the head of one of Kazakhstan's flagship companies - KazPost, who discussed the logistics around the Kazakhstan's some of the biggest companies, their future plans, and present opportunities. Furthermore, we were delighted to have the management of FH Bertling Logistics, EBRD, and PRISM taking part at this event. Our speakers discussed the importance of the Middle Corridor for Kazakhstan and what is being done at the intra-governmental level to develop the middle coridor further. Moreover, our speakers pointed out at the main challenges that logistics providers face in Kazakhstan and in the Central Asian region and explained how they overcome these challenges.
David Skeels - Director, BKS
Ekaterina Miroshnik - Director Infrastructure Europe, EBRD
Colin MacIsaac - Regional Director, F H Bertling Logistics - "Logistics; trade and regulation requirements and new developments"
Assel Zhanassova - Chief Executive Officer, KazPost - "Logistics around one of Kazakhstan’s biggest organizations"
Ben Godwin - Partner, PRISM Political Risk Management - "Overall/regional perspective"